Objective & purpose of a Maverick Purchasing outsourcing
Published By
Olivier Audino
Procurement strategy
What is a Maverick purchase?
Maverick purchases: also called wild purchases or spot purchases, Maverick purchases are all low-value and non-recurring purchases that cannot fit into traditional order processes. They consume precious time for your purchasing department because of the administrative management to be devoted to them: sourcing, purchasing requests, validation, supplier creation, ordering, etc.
The objectives of a Maverick Purchasing outsourcing
Offer a solution to manage Maverick purchases on all the expenses concerned for all factories and subsidiaries.
Offer prescribers a service that implements flexibility and simplicity, in particular:
Being able to buy from a non-listed supplier
Being able to buy on the internet
Benefit from an interface offering ergonomics and speed
Reduce the involvement, and therefore the workload, of buyers and suppliers in everything related to Maverick procurement, so that they can focus more on strategic procurement categories, critical purchases, and heavy purchases.
Save money and reduce administrative impact, including:
Decrease the number of orders issued
Decrease the number of invoices received
Reduce the number of payments to suppliers (bank transfers)
Benefit from purchasing solutions with economic models that are more attractive than current ones
Limit the referencing of new suppliers for Maverick purchases
Limit the updating of the supplier database (company name, address, RIB, contact, etc.)
Simplify the process of approving requests or orders from suppliers in accordance with the financial processes of each company.
Limit or even eliminate exchanges with Maverick procurement suppliers (in particular supply disputes... etc.)
Support prescribers in taking charge of the proposed solution.