Spot Buys

Outsourcing Spot Purchasing: the concept of Outsourcing

Published By
Olivier Audino
Procurement strategy

Purchasing outsourcing

Since 2008, it is thanks to the business world that the concept of outsourcing has been developing. Procurement outsourcing must succeed in creating a management model that reduces internal costs while increasing the performance and competitiveness of the company. The company thus manages to focus on Purchasing projects with high added value and essential to its development.

Buy Made Easy, a group specialized in outsourcing purchases, supports businesses of various sizes through its e-purchasing solution called Sourcing Force. It is a service that offers several benefits.

Among them:

  • The selection and management of suppliers (negotiation, follow-up),
  • Supply management.

The aim is to significantly reduce your supplier base for a single supplier, and to greatly increase purchasing performance.

Outsourcing Tail Spend procurement is therefore an option for businesses. It allows them to professionalize their purchases at first. Above all, it is an effective way to reduce internal administrative tasks.

Not only does outsourcing make it possible to guarantee better responsiveness but also to obtain answers in a minimum of time. So it is a way to gain efficiency.

Buy Made Easy, your strategic partner, meets the needs of businesses for spot purchases. Thanks to established purchasing approaches, our mission starts by helping you identify your needs, find and negotiate with the supplier. But also to save considerably in time and to reduce your acquisition costs. For better monitoring, you will have visibility and traceability of the process and we will provide you with the KPIs attached to your orders monthly.

In all, outsourcing or outsourcing Purchasing is beneficial for any company that wants to optimize its purchasing performance, productivity and quality of service.

In short, to optimize your entire supply chain..

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