Personal development

Patience to sell to a large account: Response from Olivier Audino

Published By
Olivier Audino
Procurement strategy

How do you convince a large account to work with you, a freelancer or a small business?

This is the successful bet of Olivier Audino, founder of Buy Made Easy. Here are her tips.

An interview conducted by Les Echos

Former buyer, then purchasing manager in international industrial groups, such as General Electric or SEB, Olivier Audino founded Buy Made Easy. It is a company that supports companies in the digitization of their purchases. A company that has big names among its customers. With his experience in B to B, Olivier Audino details the advice to make a place for yourself among the big guys.

Maintain your reputation on the Internet


In the age of everything digital, this may seem obvious. But before knocking on the door of large groups, it is important to Take care of your e-reputation. “You obviously have to be present on the Internet, but above all, to be well referenced on Google. What does a buyer do when they are looking for a service or a product? He types his query into the search engine”, explains Olivier Audino.

Today, corporate identity cards can be found on the Internet. By using the right sites and the right tools, LinkedIn for example, you can already build a relationship of trust with the potential customer. Good visibility is reassuring.

Relation de confiance

Broadcast your expertise

“It is necessary to educate the buyer about a market that he does not necessarily know since it most often meets specifications. You must be proactive in your communication with, for example, informative mailing but also with press relations”, develops the founder of Buy Made Easy.

Thus, you should not be content with a promotional broadcast, but provide high value-added content. Especially when you don't know the customer, there can always be some suspicion, which is why you need to legitimize your expertise. “It is a long and difficult preliminary work, because you have to create content and show your seriousness”, continues Olivier Audino.


Knock on the right door, ask the right person

In your marketing strategy, think about the next step... “You have to distribute your content but also invite prospects to subscribe to a newsletter for example, recommends the former purchasing manager. This allows you to have direct contact with the person you are most interested in. In this way, you avoid the obstacle of the standard, and are certain to have a receptive person.” On a classic approach, one can seem disturbing and insistent. On a focused call, the relationship starts off on a good footing.

In addition, “You have to keep in mind that the buyer is not necessarily the client. Don't get the wrong target. The service or product you sell must appeal to the user first and foremost. You should not reason according to the buyer”, admits Olivier Audino. Thus, expertise predominates. Highlight your know-how, defining its usefulness and showing consistency for the decision-maker will be more important than bowing to the buyer.

Be patient


If you do not count your hours when completing the tender file, you must accept that the customer will take his time to answer you. “It's a bit of a paradox. Large groups will require responsiveness and, afterwards, may take three months to respond to you. You have to take it easy, and not rush things by forcing the act of buying. This can be unacceptable as it is perceived as an admission of weakness,” says Olivier Audino. Being urgent could give the image of an entrepreneur chasing money.

If the transaction is finalized, it is also necessary Take the time to build a relationship with the customer. It is not relevant to canvass prospecting. You have to know how to retain your customers. This happens by contacting them regularly to meet the various needs, by providing help and information.

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