Press releases

VigiLegal and supplier compliance: Founder interview

Published By
Olivier Audino
Procurement strategy

Three questions to Olivier Audino, Director of Buy Made Easy, director of Buy Made Easy, consultant in procurement strategy and organization, also publisher of the VigiLegal e-purchasing solution.

Where does the idea for your VigiLegal solution come from?

1. Supplier risks are becoming more numerous and complex.

In addition to the traditional risks of financial failure, numerous new legal constraints have been added. To name a few: the Grenelle 2 law, Urssaf fraud, the dependency rate, European REACH and RoHS regulations, etc. Not to mention illegal work, against which the French government launched a new plan to combat in November 2012. Consequently, companies collect and process a growing mass of information which, poorly archived or updated, does not ensure satisfactory risk prevention. Heavy financial and criminal sanctions can then weigh on the company for years.

“A dynamic supplier risk prevention solution, VigiLegal secures and maintains customer/supplier relationships.”

supplier compliance

2. Managing supplier documents is time-consuming for buyers.

Buyers set up archiving and then periodic updates of supplier documents and data, which require multiple written and telephone reminders. This time spent on repetitive actions with low added value could be used to optimize the costs, quality and innovation of the company. In a nutshell, its competitiveness!

What is the added value of Vigilegal for its users?

The economic crisis has made private and public companies aware of supplier risks. And the French and European public authorities are strengthening the mechanisms to combat fraud or the use of substances of concern: companies must organize quickly because the risks, also in terms of image, are major. Buy Made Easy wants to support its customers with a global solution adapted to these new challenges.

A dynamic solution: VigiLegal brings together major supplier risks on a single Internet portal and manages them dynamically. For example, automatic reminders are sent to suppliers to update their regulatory documents.

A collaborative solution: VigiLegal offers buyers from the same company a shared solution for evaluating their supplier panel, thus facilitating their performance review.
An innovative solution: VigiLegal provides our customers with a network of legal, chemical, societal, fiscal and financial experts. Also relying on our processes, technologies and services, our customers transform supplier data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into action plans.

How is VigiLegal part of a social responsibility approach?

Tasks with low added value for our customers become tasks with high added value for our partner Handishare. Our customers who wish to do so can benefit from a reduction in their Agefiph disability contribution and thus disseminate a responsible societal image to their suppliers. The challenge is to combine competitiveness and sustainable development.

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